Legal notice



All information (as well as all elements present on the Site) are the property of Louis Moulin and are subject to the laws protecting copyright. Copies of all or part of the site may only be made for information purposes and exclusively for strictly private use. Any reproduction or representation of all or part of the site for other purposes is prohibited. No license, nor any right other than that of consulting the site and the information it contains, is granted to anyone with regard to intellectual property rights.  

Protection of personal data

Your personal data (title, surname, first names, postal and e-mail addresses) that you voluntarily submit are only intended for use by Louis Moulin for customer management purposes, in order to respond to a request for information and to benefit from offers from the company. By completing a form, you consent to the use by our site of the personal data concerning you, which you have communicated or which is collected via the operation of the site. This data is necessary to send you newsletters and to allow you to benefit from certain services offered by this site. It will not be communicated to third parties under any circumstances.

With regard to the rules of protection of personal data (article 34 of the Law "Informatiques et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, directives 95/46 and 97/66), you have a right of access, correction and suppression of the data which concern you. To exercise this right, to oppose the reception of any commercial message or for any correction, please send an e-mail to or write to Louis Moulin, 90 rue du Moron, 69440 Saint Laurent d'Agny


The « Louis Moulin » brand has been registered with the INPI. As such, any person proceeding to their representations, reproductions, imbrications, diffusions and reruns incurs the sanctions provided for in articles L. 713-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property.

Hypertext links

Louis Moulin formally declines all responsibility for the content of sites to which it provides links. These links are offered to users of the site or the websites of its subsidiaries and affiliates as a service. The decision to activate the links rests exclusively with the users.

Creating a link

It is possible to create a link to a site without the express authorization of the publisher, only if that this link opens a new browser window. However, Louis Moulin reserves the right to request the removal of a link that it considers to be no compliant with its editorial policy.

SAS with a capital of 150 000 euros
SIRET : RCS of Lyon - 4232285743

Head office

Parc d'activités les Ayats
84 rue de Guénas

69390 Millery


Responsible for publication: Mr. Alexis QUEVILLY

Technical realization, development and hosting

Imagine Développement

65 quai Claude Bernard

38200 Vienne